Fortnite Lego Discovery Row To Be Added Back

If you're looking for more ways to get your island on the front page of discover. Building a Lego island might be the best way.

Source: Epic Game Creator Portal

It’s no secret Epic is pushing the Lego collaboration further and further, and with the latest update, it could be the key to getting featured on the front of the Fortnite Discover row.

In the Fortnite Creative and UEFN Discord server, user [Epic] Flak mentioned the Lego discover row would be making a comeback very soon, highlighting the latest and greatest Lego islands. This was also confirmed in the UEFN 30.10 patch notes, alongside the updates they’ve added to the Lego island tool sets.

Understanding how to get to the front page of Discover can often be a mystery for Creators, however with the latest update and Epic’s further collaboration with Lego, a dedicated Lego row could increase your odds to getting to that front page.

If you’re looking to get your Lego island into one of those coveted spots on the new row, you’ll want to keep a few things in mind:

Keep it light and fun

Part of the Epic and Lego collaboration is keeping your game within the Lego brand. Lego has often been associated with vibrant colors, imagination, and generally having a fun, goofy time. So try to avoid dark themes or subjects that could be too serious; If you can imagine a Lego kit being made from your world, then you’re probably on the right track. A good reference point could be the HUGE array of Lego games out there.

UEFN Update allows player-built walls and structures

The latest update brings a nice addition to the Lego toolkit by giving Creators an option to enable player-built structures in their world. This will open up new opportunities for game mechanics and versatility to their islands. Epic is also looking to feature Creators using their latest tech in interesting and new ways.

Beware, there are some known bugs within the current implementation. Read up on the patch notes for more details.

Lego will take 15% of monetization

As Lego is giving Creators the power to use their content and the overall Lego brand, there are a few extra requirements and surprises. One being 15% of the monetization your island generates will be automatically deducted. While this might sting initially, it could still be a great opportunity to increase your revenue as more attention (through the previously discussed Lego row) will potentially garner more income than non-Lego islands.

It seems to us that Lego islands is something Epic wants to invest in, and that could mean a great opportunity for Creators. When looking to build your Lego islands, don’t feel the need to reinvent the wheel. Some Lego Battle Royale, Lego Prop hunt or good old fashioned gun games with a high level of polish could be a great starting point to get yourself on that Lego Discover row!

Keen to get started? Check the two vital resources below!

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